Users can use Simplex with their own login credentials. This is useful when accessing websites that require authentication like electronic health record systems, real estate listings, or emails.

Creating And Storing Login Data

We never store your login data on our servers. The data gets deleted as soon as you close your session.

If you’ve installed the SDK, you can run our CLI command to create and open a login session for a given website.

simplex login {website_url}

You must set your SIMPLEX_API_KEY environment variable before running the command.

export SIMPLEX_API_KEY=your_api_key

If you’d prefer not to use the CLI, you can call the create_login_session endpoint to receive the login session URL.

Creating the login session.

After you log in, you can click the button at the bottom of the page to capture the login session. This will download a JSON containing your session data.

Downloading the login session JSON.

Using Login Data

After you download the login session JSON, you can use the restore_login_session endpoint to restore the login session with the login JSON once you visit the site.

Let’s say we’ve downloaded the login session JSON for Zillow and saved it in sessions/zillow_login_session.json.
from simplex import Simplex

simplex = Simplex(api_key="your_api_key")

Using the login session JSON to restore the session.